ICF Share Value & Affordability

Intervale Community Farm has two approaches to maintain affordability of ICF shares for households with lower and moderate incomes. First, ICF keeps our base share price at a level that makes our CSA shares very economical sources for local, organic produce. We appreciate any additional support for those who are able; our Share Slide-up Scale makes this easy.

Our second approach is our longstanding Supported Share program, an internally-funded effort that reduces the cost of CSA shares by about 1/3 for households with qualifying incomes. In over 25 years of the program, ICF has sold more than 1000 of these reduced rate shares, and our program is a model for other CSAs around Vermont and the country.

The graphs below show how summer & winter CSA shares at Intervale Community Farm compare to an average of prices from farmers’ markets, farm stands, grocery stores, and food co-ops in our area. The bonus represents the value of produce above and beyond the price you paid for the CSA share, including a portion of available pick-your-own for the summer share. The figures are approximate; since each individual chooses a different selection of produce, the exact value of each share can differ. Even with an aberrant year like 2023, any multi-year average returns a significant savings.