2023 ICF Annual Meeting Recap

On October 21, 2023, we returned to the Integrated Arts Academy for our annual meeting and recap of the year.

We had a plentiful pot luck dinner while members in attendance were able to chat with each other and catch up a bit.

After dinner, Farmer Andy Jones discussed the difficult year we’ve had due to the July floods, but also emphasized we are on good footing due to the hard work of both staff and volunteers and the generosity of members and area businesses through many donations. Some of the pictures were astonishing to see in terms of the water, the tables that had floated down the road, and the shear devastation of crops. But there were also many pictures of our fall plantings and recovery.

Andy explained our final 2023 summer share value was nearly on par with normal retail pricing, noted ICF’s first ever co-op patronage rebate, and paid tribute to departing, long time board member Christopher McCandless and 14 year Farmer Silas Branson.

To see the slideshow as a Powerpoint or Google Slides, go here. (File will download for opening.)

If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Andy Jones or see any member of the staff at a winter pick-up. (NOTE: We have some room in our winter shares still, sign up here.)

Watch this space for more details on the summer share value, summer survey, patronage rebates, Christopher, Silas, and the results of the board election.


2024 Board of Directors Election Results


2023 ICF Board of Directors Elections